Graphic Tools

VIDEO TUTORIAL: Video tutorial available online for Graphic Tools.

Graphic Tools are used to organize, label, annotate, and enhance the appearance of your design, or User Control Interface (UCI) layout.

There are four tools available:

After placing one of the graphic shapes in your schematic, you have various options for size, color, weight, and so on. The properties for each shape differ slightly. Refer to the information below for each individual tool.

Text Block Tool

A Text Block, when not selected, looks like a plain line of text with nothing surrounding it.

Header Tool

A Header can be used to give a title to an area of your design, the entire design, and so on.

Group Box Tool

The Graphic Box is a means to visually group objects within a Q-SYS design, or UCI.

NOTE:  When you add graphics to a UCI, the images are scaled down for the Panel Type as set in the Properties of the UCI. The images are never scaled up.

Polygon Tool

You can create a polygon shape and assign a control to the shape, and when the shape is clicked the control changes state. In the example below, the treble clef is assigned to the Play button of the Audio Player. If it was in a design or UCI, clicking the treble clef sign would start playing the selected file. A Polygon can also be used to group an odd shaped section of your design or UCI.

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